DWR-88 – Kuleto Estate Native Son 2016 Red Blend Tasting and Review

Drink With Rick

This is the eighty-eighth episode of the live winestream. I open, taste and review a Kuleto Estate Native Son 2016 Red Blend from California purchased from Winestore in Blakeney, NC. I also toast birthdays, national days, and talk about stuff.

My streaming app locked up about two thirds of the way into the episode and I had to do a quick recovery. My old PC just can’t handle the stresses of streaming adequately, so my next project for the studio during the next few weeks is to build a new one. Hopefully this will resolve some of the issues with the winestream and the podcast and deliver a higher quality experience for viewers and listeners.

This podcast is the audio version of the video winestream, edited with consideration for the listener. Did I enjoy the wine? Do I recommend it? Listen to find out. Do you have a favorite wine you would recommend? Is there a wine you are curious about and would like me to try? Tell me what it is and I may give it a review on a future Winestream. Send your suggestions and comments to rick(at)savoiamedia.com or send them through the contact form on my website at drinkwithrick.com! Drink With Rick is a member of the new Savoia Media Network.

Kuleto Estate Native Son 2016 Red Blend Tasting and Review

I open, taste and review a Kuleto Estate Native Son 2016 Red Blend from California purchased from Winestore in Blakeney, NC. I also toast birthdays, national days, and talk about stuff. Join in the chat at 10 PM ET and Drink With Rick!

Watch and Chat Live during the Winestream on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, Twitch channel or Twitter feed!